Projects and Maintenance

Following is a summary of projects and maintenance tasks that need to be funded, as well as current estimates of associated costs.


  • Painting

    Although paint is in bad shape, overall, on many parts of the building, the paint on the North side of the building is in especially bad shape. Painting needs to be performed in conjunction with other projects noted here. We do not yet have estimates and have not yet identified a contractor.

  • North Side Clapboards - COMPLETED JUNE 2023

    There are a number of areas where the clapboards are in poor condition. The most concerning is at the base of the wall on the north side. Here the first two feet are extremely rotten, with possibility of rot extending into the sheathing or sill Before painting, at least the first two feet should be replaced, potentially going up as high as four feet. This should be considered a high priority job, as deferred maintenance could cause structural decay to the building.

    Estimate — $5,000

  • Portico Entry Clapboards

    The clapboards on the west side of the entrance portico are of poor quality and in poor condition from a point about 5’ to about 12’ from the base of the wall. They are not as concerning as the actively rotting clapboards on the north side, but are still not sufficient to prevent water infiltration.

    Estimate — $2,000

  • Other Clapboards

    There are almost certainly individual clapboards that will be determined to need to be replaced as painters remove paint

    Estimate — $2,000

  • Window Casings

    At the time of the soffit repairs, at least one window casing was found to be badly rotten. Probably others will be found as part of the painting process. The band mouldings on the south side windows are in poor condition, curled, and will make scraping difficult. They could be replaced with reproduction stock, which could be produced before the painting begins, and applied as necessary.

    Estimate — $1,100

  • Corner Boards

    The lower section of corner boards on the Portico southeast side, and on the main building northwest and southwest corners are deteriorated and should be replaced.

    Estimate — $1,000

  • Entrance

    The mouldings making up the plinths of the front entry, and the capitals and waist moulding of the pilasters are weathered and deteriorated. While this does not particularly lead to further structural concerns, they could be replaced to improve the appearance of the building. The committee should weigh the value of removing original (2nd generation) building fabric, with the value of returning the building's appearance to its intended formality.

    Estimate — $1,400

  • Portico Crown Moulding

    Corners need to be repaired to exclude weather and rodents

    Estimate — $900

  • Replace Horse-Tie Rails

    Tie rails around the entire building are severely deteriorated, and need to be replaced. Materials have been donated, but need to be installed after painting is complete.

Center School

  • Reinstall Cupola, Bell, and Restored Weathervane - COMPLETED JUNE 2023

    The cupola has been rebuilt and is ready to be reinstalled. A new “W” directional is being fabricated from copper sheet to replace the one that is missing from the weathervane. When weather allows in early 2023, the reproduction cupola will be installed on the roof, along with the weathervane and bell.

    Estimate of remaining costs — $14,870

  • Sill Repairs

    The sill beneath the entry door is in need of repairs. At the moment, the floor is spongy as one enters, and it is possible to see the ground beneath the building.

    Estimate — $TBD

  • Window Sills and Stops

    Routine, but long overdue maintenance to heavily weathered and rotting window sills and stops

Puddle Dock School

  • Repair Plaster Damaged by Water Leak at Chimney

    To minimize water intrusion, a newly donated chimney cap was installed on the chimney in 2022 with the help of donated labor and donated use of a man-lift. Although the new cap is expected to reduce or eliminate further damage to plaster from water coming down the chimney, damage caused prior to the installation of the chimney cap still needs to be repaired.

    Estimate — $TBD